Feb. 24 - March 2: Slack Timesheet Digest

An additional feature to our Slack integration will boost your efficiency even more! πŸŽ‰ Read on for more improvements and bug fixes.

πŸ†• New Features

Slack weekly digest: πŸ—žοΈ You can now receive a weekly roundup of pending timesheets directly via Slack! Never miss another timesheet and approve working hours in just one click.


:rocket: Improvements

Comment enhancements: πŸ’¬ We've made some further visual improvements to our comments feature in the Employee Hub, including fixing the margin and automatically breaking long lines of text.

🐞 Bug Fixes

Goals: πŸ”§ We've fixed the loading issue in the All Goals view. We also added new filter options: Company, Individual, and Team.
Absence approval: πŸ”§ We've fixed an issue that caused the length of absence to display incorrectly.